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Singles for Christ is a Christian Church designed to meet the needs of Single Adults and Couples. We are a Church that welcomes singles of any age, whether they are Christians or not. With somewhere around 1. There are singles groups that meet, but none have as their stated goal, to evangelize and reach Single Adults of any age or Spiritual Background. We believe that message changes lives. First, we aim to offer a terrific Contemporary Worship experience and relevant expositional biblical preaching at our services. This teaching would be conveyed by various classes to teach, inform, and change lives in either a Life Stage setting, or by topics relevant to Single Adults. These groups would meet on other nights of the week than our regular services. Pastor Thomas Rose is the founder of this Church. He has over 30 years of experience in ministering to this segment of the Christian Church. Pastor Thomas has gathered around him a network of single adults to serve on every area of this new endeavor. This Church looks to provide a 3 part segment every Friday night. As to Friday nights content, there will always be these 3 components; A Worship by Fantastic Contemporary Christian Bands, B A teaching element that offers 3 to 4 break out classes designed to meet the needs of Single Adults, and C Quality fellowship time for Single Adults and Couples to intermingle and get to know one another and develop godly relationships. Singles for Christ is a non denominational Christian Church. This Church is solely supported by those that attend and others that believe in this endeavor and desire to support it.

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